Contact Information
Contact Information
You may use the search fields below to find contact information directly to municipal employees, departments or units.
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Trondheim Municipality on Facebook (Trondheim kommune)
City Maintenance Services
Contact Forms and information - Trondheim bydrift (in Norwegian)
E-mail address
Do not provide sensitive personal information when contacting Trondheim municipality by e-mail.
Main number: 72 54 00 00 (Monday-Friday 08.00-15.30)
Emergency call
- Child Care (Police): 02800
- Municipal emergency ward: 116117
- Emergencies regarding municipal buildings: 73 53 78 17
- Emergencies regarding municipal water infrastructure: 72 54 64 49
Emergency services (in Norwegian)
Visiting address
Public Service Desk at Bytorget, Erling Skakkes gate 14 (Monday-Friday 08.00-15.30)
or at City Hall (Rådhuset), Munkegata 1 (Monday-Friday 08.00-15.30)
Postal address
Common postal address for municipal units:
Trondheim kommune
(name of unit)
Postboks 2300 Torgarden
7004 Trondheim
Invoice address
Trondheim kommune
TK org.kode: "XXXXXX" (Use unit search field on this page to find the 6 number code under their contact information).
Postboks 2399 Torgarden
Organisation number
942 110 464
LEI code
5967007LIEEXZXGFMW72 (
Last updated: 28.08.2024