Where can I get iodine tablets?

Where can I get iodine tablets?

Iodine tablets can be a protective measure which the government recommends if there is a release of radioactive iodine. Iodine tablets protect against the development of thyroid cancer, and should only be used if recommended by the government.

Box of iodine tablets.
Photo: Mostphotos.

The municipality’s responsibility

The municipality has a responsibility to secure access to iodine tablets to all children and young people under the age of 18 in addition to pregnant and nursing women. This is in the case of a possible nuclear accident.

These groups are prioritised because they have good use of the protection that iodine tablets give against the development of thyroid cancer as a result of radioactive radiation. Iodine tablets might be relevant for adults between 18 and 40 in very special situations. Persons above 40 years of age have a minimal risk of developing thyroid cancer and are not required to take iodine tablets.

Iodine tablets are only to be used if national emergency authorities alert the municipalities of this.

Iodine tablets for all children and youths under 18 years of age
Schools, kindergartens and institutions in Trondheim are now in possession of an emergency stockpile for the children and students associated with that unit. Should a nuclear accident occur, children and youths will be offered iodine tablets. This also includes students in secondary school/high school.

Distribution of iodine tablets to children below 16 years of age requires consent from parents or guardians. There will be distributed information with a form of consent through means of communications between homes and kindergartens/schools.

Outside of the schools’ and kindergartens’ opening hours there will still be distribution of iodine tablets at the child’s school or kindergarten for those who do not already have tablets. How the distribution is organised will be communicated if the need arises.

Do you have children in both school and kindergarten? Note that you must pick up iodine for the pupil at the pupils’ school and iodine for the kindergarten child at the child’s kindergarten. 

Maternity and child health care centres

The maternity and child health care centres in Trondheim offer iodine tablets to pregnant or nursing women and to small children who do not attend kindergarten. Those who already have bought iodine tablets from the pharmacy of the type Jodix or Kaliumjodid do not need to receive iodine tablets from the health care centres.

If you do not already have an appointment with a maternity and child health care centre, you can visit for a walk-in to pick up iodine tablets starting in week 11.

Pharmacies sell iodine to the general population

Residents between the ages of 18 and 40 must procure iodine tablets themselves if they want to have them. It is possible to purchase iodine tablets at pharmacies in Trondheim. Remember to ask for the correct type, Jodix or Kaliumjodid.

There are exceptions for pregnant and breastfeeding women, see the section on health care centres.

Use your social network

Many already have iodine tablets at home, and the packages come with more tablets than what is needed for one person in the case of a nuclear accident. Could you share with others? Or are there others who can share with you?

To take the initiative to split up packages of tablets and share with each other, is a solidary and great action. It would reduce the pressure on suppliers, who risk selling out their inventory before everyone who needs iodine tablets can get their hands on them.

More information

Sist oppdatert: 31.10.2022

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